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     Winter Wonders

As we move along through Winter, the days begin to become longer and the nights shorter.  It is a time to ponder on times gone by, plan on times to come, and reflect on what is true and what is no longer necessary to keep around you. 

Notice that the trees sit naked without their leaves, yet winter provides them with covering so they may renourish, reflect, and prepare for the new growth soon to come.  It is a natural occurrence.

During the month of January, spend time releasing all that no longer serves your purpose.  Reflect on listing items that are surrounding you, emotions that you continually whirl around in your mind, and issues that do not appear to be achieving a positive flow. 

Allow yourself time for a Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual winter cleanout.

As February begins to unfold, RELEASE... Now, it is time to reflect on what goals you wish to achieve this year. 

  ~ Make yourself a hot cocoa, sit with a notebook, and write down your goals.  

  ~ Write down your thoughts on how or what you need to do to obtain them. 

  ~ Write down What it is that stands in your way to complete them with success. 

  ~ Now, make your plan and set your intentions.

In March, you will be free to start preparing to bloom and grow as the Spring begins and the trees begin to show their beautiful, healthy leaves.

Enjoy your Winter Refurbishing! 



Angie D'Anjou, Spiritual Consultant


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