Intuitive & Spiritual Guidance Reading
15 Minute Session ($40)
30 Minute Session ($65)
60 Minute Session ($100)

Intuitive & Spiritual Guidance Reading
15 Minute, 30 Minute or One-Hour sessions available.
Book a private Intuitive Medium Reading, where connections can be established between the spiritual and physical world to help you in situations relating to the past, present, or future. Each session includes Enchanted Tarot, Angel Oracle cards, Intuitive Guidance, a bit of Numerology & an opportunity to work with specific guidance on particular issues or questions.Â
15 Minute Session ($40)
30 Minute Session ($65)
Enchanted Tarot Reading

Enchanted Tarot Reading
15 Minute Session or 30 Minute Session available.
If you are looking for guidance, understanding, and enlightenment, book an Enchanted Tarot Reading.
15 Minute Session ($35)
30 Minute Session ($65)
Angel Oracle Guidance

Angel Oracle Guidance
15 Minute Session or 30 Minute Session available.
Connect to archangels and other divine beings with Angel Oracle Guidance.
Guided Meditation
15 Minute Private Session ($15)
30 Minute Private Session ($25)
30 Minute Group Session ($5/pp)
*Minimum 4 attendees

Guided Meditation
15 Minute and 30 Minute Sessions available. Group sessions also available.
Need help with solving problems in your life? Do you feel weighed down by your mental health? Book a Guided Meditation, where you can eliminate mental and/or spiritual blockages. Please note that any services provided here are not to replace any advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a medical professional.
One-Hour Private Session ($80)
Six Session Special Package ($360)
Hypnosis Session
Hypnosis Session
One-Hour Sessions available.
Harness the power of your mindfulness with one of our hypnosis sessions. Hypnosis can be beneficial for habit elimination, sleep issues, weight issues, gaining self-confidence, releasing negative energy and much more. When booking your session, please indicate what improvements you want to focus on.
House/Office Clearing & Blessing

House/Office Clearing and Blessing
By appointment, time varies depending on the situation​
This service is offered on a donation basis, by advanced appointment. Contact us directly to discuss your specific needs for your home or business. Lift feelings of uneasiness, stress, worry or sadness by having your space cleared of stagnant and negative energy. It is recommended to perform a clearing/blessing if you have experienced paranormal activity or if you have had negative events occur within your space such as illness, death, divorce, trauma or restless sleep. It is also recommended to perform a cleaning when moving into a new home, apartment or office. Open the positive energy for abundance and success!Â
Essential Numerology Report ($180)
Lifetime Numerology Report & Forecast ($450)
Numerology Reports
Personal Year Forecast Report ($100)
Companionship Numerology Report ($220)
Home Numerology Report ($80)
Pet Numerology Report ($80)
Business Name Numerology Report ($125)

Numerology Reports
Each numerology report consists of information derived from your date of birth, birth name and an analysis of each, in order to obtain a full picture of one's life path. This provides a better understanding of how to enhance your earthly journey for maximum success and happiness. Order your report today. Reports will be provided no later than 30 days after date of order.Â

Past Life Regression Introductory Session
Two-Hour Private Session ($90)
Two-Hour Group Session ($30/pp)
*Minimum 3 attendees
Past Life Regression Introductory Session
One-Hour Required Session if your first experience with past life regression​
During this session, Angie follows you to a time before time utilizing hypnosis. This simple method of regression to previous lifetimes helps to unfold first hand, the journeys your soul has taken in the past. It brings information to light regarding life lessons, successes, and evidence of how strong your spirit truly is at this time. This introductory session will bring you to a journey of a happy time in your soul's journey so you may experience the bliss of regression work. You will also be guided on how to understand the difference between real memory and pretend thoughts. Sessions are completed on a one-on-one basis.

Past Life Regression Advanced Session
Past Life Regression Advanced Session
Two to Three Hour Session​
This private 2-3 hour session unfolds your spirit's journeys. Normally, one to five journeys to a time before time are experienced in which the individual has an opportunity to search for more detailed information on your soul's growth through the centuries. To participate in this session, you must have experience with past-life regressions and/or hypnotism. If you do not, please book the Introductory Past-Life Regression as a prerequisite to this session.
2-4 Hour Session ($200)
Two-Hour Group Session ($65/pp)
*Minimum 3 attendees
60 Minute Session ($100)
Channeling Session
Channeling Session
One Hour Session available.
May include family members together for a private session.